
Can I Plant A Vegetable Garden In The Villages Fl

Challenging economic times have encouraged many people to try their hands at growing a few veggies to save a little money. Fortunately, vegetable gardening is easy. What constitutes a garden has also changed. It can be a large plot or small postage-stamp sized bed, containers on the patio, a window box, or a couple of bags of potting soil thrown on the back porch split and planted with a salad garden. Let your imagination free, plant veggies everywhere, they can even be tucked in with traditional flower and landscape beds.

Q: I am trying to learn the extent of a vegetable garden I could grow. I live in a rental house with a nice yard. The owners tell me I can do anything with the yard as long as it is legal. I find internet articles that say that I can and others that say that I can't (on private property). What has come to me on the grapevine is that it is illegal to grow a vegetable garden at a residence. I live outside Vero Beach, Florida — not in the city limits and there is no association in this area. Can you help me?

— Jackson, Vero Beach

A:Vegetable gardening has been and continues to be a popular pastime, hobby and necessity for many folks. When times get tough, incomes decrease and food prices rise, and the interest in vegetable gardening increases. Backyard gardens have been grown for many years without much controversy or regulation.

But what if the backyard is unsuitable for gardening? Possibilities include the presence of large trees, shade from adjacent structures or a northern exposure, an area too small, or pool. Then the solution is to move the garden to where there is space and enough sun for successful veggie growing.

In the past, some governments or political subdivisions, which are defined as a separate legal entity of the state, which has specific governmental functions and usually include county, city, town, village or school district, limited or prohibited vegetable gardens in front yards. However, in 2019 the State of Florida adopted Statute 604.71, which says no county, municipality, or other political subdivision in Florida can regulate vegetable gardens on residential properties.

However, this is where you need to understand political subdivision, this new statute, which took effect July 1, 2019, might not apply where you live. HOAs, COAs and other cooperative associations are not political subdivisions and are not covered under this statute. So, if you live in an area covered by such an association, vegetable gardens in the front yard or anywhere on the property may very well be prohibited. If you live in an association, do contact the board of directors and/or the property manager and ask. Do more than ask, get a copy of the documents and rules to confirm the prohibition for yourself.

As for Indian River County, a quick internet stroll through the county's website and land use regulations did not turn up any prohibition against growing vegetable gardens on residential property. Do avoid swales, dunes, wetlands and other sensitive or protected lands.

There are some other "rules" for successful veggie gardens: Choose a spot with full sun, at least six to eight hours a day. The soil should be well drained, but a water source close by prevents dragging hoses long distances or installing new irrigation lines. Gardens planted near the house make it easier for quick visits for a few minutes of weeding or sending a child to harvest a few beans for supper.

Carol Cloud Bailey is a landscape counselor and horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.

Can I Plant A Vegetable Garden In The Villages Fl


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